Did you know?
This year, September 12th marks International Programmers’ Day (or Day of the
But why September 12th?
International Programmers’ Day is celebrated on the 256th day of the year, as 256, equivalent to 2 raised to the power of 8, holds special significance in programming and fields related to computing and binary systems. Moreover, 256 can be represented by 1 byte (or 8 bits) and is the highest power of 2 less than 365 – the number of days in a year. Every year, International Programmers’ Day falls on either September 13th or September 12th in leap years.
This special occasion honors the individuals working in the technology sector, contributing to the creation of today’s digital world. Let’s look at some of the activities happening at VietIS on this special day for two-thirds of VietIS’s population.
“CHOOSE THE RIGHT CANDY AND WIN A PRIZE” is a mini-game organized during Happy Hour to celebrate this occasion. Surely, many of you, especially those born in the ’90s, remember winning prize gum at snack stalls near school gates. As expected, the prize list attracted many participants, igniting an exciting atmosphere at the VietIS office.
Once again, wish all the programmers at VietIS steady hands on the keyboard, a strong mindset, and the resilience to overcome pressure and stress, to excel in their work, and soonachieve success on their career paths.