Privacy Mark or P-mark is a certification for a company that ensures security in the use of personal information according to standards based on a personal information protection system corresponding to the standard requirements of the compliance program on personal information protection (JISQ15001) established by the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (#JIPDEC).

P-Mark is considered one of the basic and leading standards in Japanese industry. And only businesses that fully meet the above requirements will receive this certification.
As a company providing offshore software development services, VietIS receives a lot of information assets from customers, company employees or candidates. With a clear awareness that handling and protecting personal information is extremely important, it is the company’s responsibility and obligation, according to the direction of the Board of Managers in 2024 VietIS Solution is determined to obtain this P-mark certification.
The project team has started implementing the plan since March 2024 and is expected to receive this certification by November 2024.